I can't believe that in two months we will be celebrating ONE WHOLE YEAR of you!! These past ten months have flown by! And what a crazy month this past one has been!
You're almost walking, mommy is busy with school and her new business, daddy has been busy with work too, you've gotten some new teeth, you eat new food, summer is finally here!
You have started standing and holding yourself up...A LOT! You looovvve to stand up at the coffee table and knock everything off of it! You are curious and interested in everything! And of course, you immediately put everything in your mouth so I have to keep the floor clean most the time (eek! Need to be better about that!) You'll take a step forward and then plop back onto your booty...ALMOST WALKING AH SCARY!
You have tried tons of new foods this month and it has been so much fun cooking for you and watching you discover new tastes. Some of your favorites are:
and spaghetti!
Here are some pics from the last month or so..both from my big camera and cell phone!
Happy ten months handsome!
You have the sweetest little curls that are forming all around your head! Looks like you're gonna have curly hair just like daddy! |
You like to tease Lola with the stick |
Talk about being like your daddy!! Goof face! |
Very interested in the stick |
You love the watch TV so I have to limit it for you! And you always crawl to watch it up close and get so mad when I pull you away...then I know it's usually nap time! |
Spaghetti |
Wearing a shirt from Italy for Aunt Brookie! |
Oh No...Daddy already got you hooked on Star Wars! |
You love going to the park! |
We finally got up the courage to leave you for a WHOLE weekend!! We enjoyed it with our friends but we were ready to get back to you! You stayed with Grandma Jo Jo and Pop! |
You love to chew on corn on the cob! (Yes, that is a girlie high chair, you can blame your Grandma JoJo for that one!) |
Makin a mess, your favorite thing to do at dinner time! |
Groggy, messy bed head! |
You love to be outside...even in this hot, summer heat! |
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