How we came up with your was the easiest thing ever. I'm so thankful you weren't a girl, not that I don't want a daughter someday, but there is not ONE name out there for a girl that remotely caught my eye. Gammy Jo Jo bought me a "1,000 baby names book" when we found out you were in my belly. I spent hours and nights looking at girl names...just KNOWING you were going to be a girl since I truly wanted a boy..a son. But I didn't like any girl names! Literally not one!
I know how God works. He throws us obstacles when we least expect them. He gives us something completely different from what we planned or prayed for. So I refused to think about if you were going to be a boy or girl. I knew that whatever God gave me, would be a wonderful thing. I was so excited to just be becoming a mom and was truly happy to know you were inside me.
HOWEVER I deeeeep down wanted you to be a boy (girls are so expensive) and knew that if I thought/wished/prayed too much for a boy...then it would jinx it and I would find out at 16 weeks that you were a girl. So I didn't think/wish/pray for a boy. I just prayed for a healthy baby.
I wish your dad could've been there the day we found out you were a boy. He was super busy with work and couldn't make it to the doctor appointment that day. But low and behold...YOU'RE A BOY!!!
I was still worried to get excited, thinking that maybe they read the sonogram wrong and at my 20 week appointment they would inform me that you are in fact a girl. But that did not happen!!
We didn't even discuss your name. For some reason when I got pregnant we just always knew your name would be Beau. We have always loved that name. It's such a beautiful can it not be when it means Handsome in french and it's part of the word BEAUtiful!?
I view it as such a studly name :) You're gonna be such a heartbreaker when you're older...just make sure you're good to those girls!! I'll be given you a hard time if you mistreat any of them!
Grayson- About 6 or so years before you were born I met our friend Grayson. He went to high school with your dad. You've met him numerous times now. I love our friend Grayson, however you're not exactly named after him. When I met Grayson, I liked him, thought he was nice...but most importantly fell in love with his name! I had never heard it before and I absolutely loved it.
BEAU GRAYSON has such a nice ring to it, don't ya think? You are our sweet Beau Grayson and we love your name but love you more!
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