Thursday, January 26, 2012


Some nicknames we've been calling you for the past 5 and a half months!!

Beau-ritto..when you were itty bitty we would wrap you up tight in a blanket so you would stay warm and comfy, we couldn't help but think you resembled a burrito and ended up calling you BEAUritto! :)

Bubba- I'm not sure why, but I think I call you this because you're gonna be such a good big brother some day!

Beaubino-just came out of my mouth one day, now I can't stop!

Beauseph- after your Daddy
BeauJoe-also after Daddy

Beauregard..not my favorite because I don't want people to think that's your actual name, but it is very easy to call you that

BeauJangles...such a good one!

Boss..this is Daddy's name for you, I don't care for it but he said that it's because you're the boss! I thought I was!! :)


stinky winky linky dinky...for when I get to change your stinky diapers!

From Italy

Dear Beau,

I couldn't be happier to have an oh-so-cute, adorable bundle of joy nephew like yourself. You are perfect. And I know you will grow into an absolutely good person just like both of your parents. Did you know that I lived with mommy and daddy when you were born? I lived with them for about a month before moving back to Houston, so I got to be around you non-stop the first few weeks of your life. It pains me to not be around you right now watching you grow. I just happen to be living in another country at this time in my life. How inconvenient! But you will always be close to my heart. I think about you often and I never miss a chance to see you on Skype with your mommy. As your aunt, I will always be here for you no matter what, even 20 years from now when I'm a bitter 43 year old! You are such a gift! I love you so much that words can't describe. You will always be my chubby baby bubba!

I love you with all my heart,
Aunt Brookie

I got to play with you while I was home from Italy for Christmas!

I love this picture of you with your Mommy and Daddy...I took this over Christmas break! You're such a cutie!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some Favorite Photos

Newborn Baby Beau

You fell asleep on my shoulder while we were having people exhausted

We love your chin!

You love snoooozing in Mommy and Daddy's bed

You went through phases of loving your swing...this was a day you liked it :)

Love your smile!

Us on New Years Day 2012

This is a "daddy" face!

Lola loves to give you kisses

Tay Tay

Tay Tay is mommy's best friend! And she loves each time she gets to hold you and be around you. She ALWAYS makes you giggle and your eyes light up every time you see her beautiful face!

About 2 weeks before you were born!

Meeting Tay Tay!

Stop Time

Dear God,
Please, please, please stop time!! Beau is just the cutest baby and I enjoy everyday with him...making him giggle and kissing him all over! Please let him stay my little baby forever!!

I pray for this every night when I go to sleep! You are at the cutest age! Every month you've gotten cuter and cuter and at this age (5.5 months) I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOU!

Everyone constantly tells me to enjoy my time with you because our kiddos grow so fast..I don't want you to grow so fast!!! Please let time stand still!

Even at 5am when you start to move around in your crib and not but 30 seconds later you start to coo and squeal, I can't WAIT to see your smiling face. Although I'm very tired, I crawl out of bed, make you a bottle and make my way to my little man. And every time I get to're waiting with a big grin on your face! Ear to ear!

There are mornings when I change your diaper that early and you've presented a stinky one. At 5 in the morning, it can be not-so-fun changing that diaper first thing. But without fail, I'll look at you and you're just laughing and smiling--almost like you think it's so funny that I have to change a poopy diaper!

After I feed you, you fall back asleep for another 2 or 3're such a good sleeper (knock on wood!) Then when I get to go back in your room to get you up, you're just as smiley as you were at 5am!

The whole day is filled with that joy (there are bad days too but, 95% good days!) You are beyond cute and just love to smile and laugh. This was the best time for you to reach this stage's almost like you know that I'm getting busy with school.

I know it's just going to get better from here..but I don't want it to stop. I don't want things to are perfect.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Aunt Joycie

Your Aunt Joycie is Gammy Jo Jo's little sister. She is very kind and full of love!! She absolutely adores you! 

Dearest Beau,

You are the cutest little cow-pokey in town! I just love hearing you laugh. It's just like your mama!

"A merry heart is good medicine" Prov. 17:22

May your heart always be happy!

I love you~ Aunt Joycie

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holiday Season

Dear Beau,

What a wonderful few months filled with Holidays!!

Let's start with were almost three months old and I only had you in the turtle outfit for about 10 minutes before you refused to wear it anymore...I chose to dress you as a turtle because ever since you were a newborn, I kept thinking you were making turtle-like faces! You were my little turtle!

Your Grandma made the outfit. She's so good at it!! Look how cute!! I'm so glad you let me snap a few shots!
Then came Thanksgiving...
We spent the morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Your Uncle TJ, Aunt Manda, Great Grandpa  Aunt Stacy and Cousin Miranda were all there!

You helped me bake for the upcoming festivities the day before!

Everyone says you look like me in this picture..I have to agree..with those big cheeks! 
Daddy dressed you after changing your diaper..he put your pants on your head! :P
I don't seem to have any pictures from Thanksgiving day, again I'll have to ask Aunt Manda! I can always count on her or Aunt Brookie to capture moments when I don't have my camera with me! :)


This was our Christmas card we sent out to friends and family! You're so cute!! Everyone loved it!
Christmas Eve we went to Gammy Jo Jo and Pop's house for dinner. We attempted church but you were too ready for bed to make it through. So we went back to Jo Jo and Pop's house and put you straight to bed.
Christmas day we went to Great Grandpa's house in Kingwood. Everyone wanted to hold you and so you were passed around like a hot potato! (again)

Our first tree together as The Stuckeys 
This was one of my many many attempts to get a good Christmas card picture

Hanging out on Mommy and Daddy's bed before we went to celebrate Christmas with the family!

Aunt Brookie came to town from Italy!
Finally! A picture of us together with you looking at the camera!

I hope you had a good first Christmas, Beau. Everyone was so happy to see you and you had a smile on your face throughout the whole holiday season! :)

Love you,

The Move

Dear Beau,
As hard as it was to leave the Austin area, we were so excited to be coming closer to family! We can't imagine not being near them!

We moved August were only 3 weeks old!! You slept the whole way to Spring! We were all in separate cars..Daddy was in a big uhaul, Aunt Manda helped by driving Daddy's truck, and my jeep was filled to the brim!

Oh we loved our house in Manchaca (just south of Austin)! It wasn't the nicest house, but it was our first house as a family and it was nice a roomy. We have many wonderful memories there!
This was our first home...

We had such a big yard! We were on over 2 acres so plenty of room for Lola to fetch the ball! We loved having friends over too! Plenty of room for parties and BBQs.

One of your first few pictures in the Manchaca house

 And then we moved...

In front of our new house in Spring! Ready to make some good memories here! We already have so many already!