When Tripp wakes up, Beau runs over to him and says "Heyyy Buddy" (or sometimes Bud)
Cute Brothers :)

I started this blog to document my baby's first year and now we've become a family of 6! Life is busy and I like it that way! I'm not expecting many followers but want to do this to continue documenting our life and be able to look back at all our happy (and not so happy) memories. I recently closed my photography business so I am excited to have a place to share pictures with my fancy cam! :)
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
One Month
Like every other mom and many of my previous Beau posts I must say..
I can't believe how fast time as gone by and he is already one month old!! TIME FLIES! :)
I decided to do Tripp's month pictures with the bumbo. I didn't do that with Beau, I just chose random pictures from the month and picked one as the month's highlight. But I like the idea of taking the same picture every month so you can truly see how much they change and grow. I'm hesitant about the bumbo because Beau got so chunky, his legs wouldn't even fit in it anymore after like month 4. So we'll see how it works with Tripp. And now Beau is intrigued by this bumbo (he clearly has forgotten that he used to sit in it all the time) and he now thinks it's for him. He posed for a picture right after I took Tripp's. With his four wheeler of course :)
I can't believe how fast time as gone by and he is already one month old!! TIME FLIES! :)
I decided to do Tripp's month pictures with the bumbo. I didn't do that with Beau, I just chose random pictures from the month and picked one as the month's highlight. But I like the idea of taking the same picture every month so you can truly see how much they change and grow. I'm hesitant about the bumbo because Beau got so chunky, his legs wouldn't even fit in it anymore after like month 4. So we'll see how it works with Tripp. And now Beau is intrigued by this bumbo (he clearly has forgotten that he used to sit in it all the time) and he now thinks it's for him. He posed for a picture right after I took Tripp's. With his four wheeler of course :)
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Both Boys
It's been impossible so far trying to get a good pic of both boys together. Beau is just too energized. But I'm still determined and WILL get a good one soon enough!!
This is what it looks like when I'm attempting...
And this is what it looks like when Beau is being sweet and I quickly run to get my camera (all while worrying that at any moment he may hit Tripp across the head or try to knock him over)
I like this one...
This is what it looks like when I'm attempting...
I like this one...
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Tripp's Arrival
I said I would share Tripp's birth story..so here it is..completely honest so if you're thinking of getting pregnant, this may not be the post to read ;) and if you're not ok with some gross stuff, go away. The miracle of life is a beautiful thing but the process is gross.
With Beau, I was induced and after experiencing maybe one minor contraction, I was given my epidural and slept and rested till he arrived 12 hours later. It was a breeze..except for the no eating thing and the 2 hour pushing thing. --About thirty minutes after he was born I said "I could do that again!"
Things with Tripp moved a bit faster and a bit more painfully!
Because I am a planner, I decided I wanted to induce with Tripp as well. That way Beau would be taken care of with my in-laws, the house would be cleaned and everything would be prepared. And as silly as it sounds, I would also have my hair washed and ready. (My hair is so crazy that washing it in the hospital seemed impossible so I wanted fresh hair going in...haha I know..stupid.)--but seriously, what if I go into labor and I'm on second day hair and have to wash my hair at the hospital and deal with a frizz bomb?! WHIlE taking care of a newborn?! No thanks. I wanted everything, including my hair, to be under control haha call me superficial I don't care.
Let's also be real here, I really wanted to be induced so I wouldn't be in any pain :)
Anyways, apparently everyone decided to conceive babies in August because I couldn't get into the hospital as there was an overload of women in labor. It was practically impossible unless I went into real labor. So I decided I would put myself into real labor. I got pedicures (supposedly the pressure points in your feet can cause contractions--and they did but not enough to put me in real labor, just pain ugh!) Joseph and I had sex..every day..like twice a day. Lucky him! Nothin. I found myself literally jumping up and down saying "COME ON TRIPP..COME ON OUT!" Still, nothin! I had this awful fear that we wouldn't make it to the hospital in time for an epidural, since usually second babies come faster than first, so with every pain I was freaking out.
Let me just say NOTHING ACTUALLY WORKS. WHEN BABY IS READY TO COME, BABY WILL COME . If you happen to have sex the morning of your baby's birth, then MAYBE that helped a little but most likely, your baby was planning to come that day anyway. And I knew all of this, but was still trying to naturally induce. Being at 3cm for 2 weeks and after all that is just proof that he was going to come on his own time.
Almost a week went by past my induction date (which put me close to 40 weeks) and still wasn't able to get in and still no Tripp. I was sick of everyone making their predictions, sick of wondering if every pain was a contraction, and sick of waddling around while everyone said "Oh My! You are huge! That belly!"--It didn't make me feel fat, just got to a point where I was done hearing it. I really was huge though. Even now, only 4 weeks later looking at the picture makes me laugh.
So on Mother's Day I had a feeling he was going to come the next morning. Or maybe I was just being hopeful. Sure enough I woke up at 2am with awful pains. "that was definitely a contraction, but I'm too tired to care," I thought. I fell back asleep and woke up again about an hour with another awful pain. Went back to sleep. Surely you can't sleep through labor! My doctor made it very clear to me that I would KNOW when I was in labor... (but haven't we all heard stories of women who were in labor for like a day and didn't even know it?!)
Woke up at 6:30 with some of the worst pains I've ever felt....haha or so I thought at the time! Little did I know...
Water broke at 8ish---SO GROSS. I couldn't walk or do anything without it going everywhere. No pad would take care of that..NO DIAPER WOULD TAKE CARE OF THAT! I just had to deal with it. Grooossss
We got to the hospital and I was having contractions about every 3 minutes...the dramatic kind. I know I'm a dramatic person but these were truly the squeeze-Joseph's-hand-take-deep-breaths-in-the-middle-of-the-parking-lot-mid-walk kind. We finally get there and I'm in shock they aren't offering me a wheel chair and rushing me to delivery like in the movies. I had to wait...WHAT?! I'M LITERALLY HAVING A BABY AND WANTING TO KILL YOU AND YOU'RE MAKING ME WAIT?!!? Then a nurse even jokes about my water dripping everywhere..SHUT THE *FLIPPITY FLIP* UP!!!!!!
"Ok sweetie, let's get you in here and I'll check to make sure your water broke and if so, we'll get you admitted."
again, WHAT??? It's literally tracking my every step and you're gonna question??? UGH
Contractions, the dramatic ones, are only getting more dramatic and closer together. Joseph's in my face telling me to breathe and that everything's ok. I looked at him like he's wearing a clown outfit...GO AWAY, YOU DID THIS. <---Anyone ever feel like they're in a movie?! I always wanted to be an actress...this wasn't my idea of a movie-like experience.
Guess what!? The nurse said that I WAS in labor!! Surprise, surprise! And I was about 5cm.
So we get admitted and put into another room. I was being wheeled on the bed to the other room while having a contraction, I feel bad for anyone that was anywhere near that hallway..I was not saying nice words.
So I haven't shared this on here but we didn't have maternity insurance. Another lesson learned. Do not have a baby unless you have maternity insurance. Apparently no individual insurance plan in Texas covers maternity. Isn't that delightful!? A healthy, young woman who pays a monthly premium for medical safety isn't covered when she is creating a life!<--done with that rant. Anyways, we had already paid for the epidural in advance (if you pay it by 7 months prego, you get a discount! Yay!) So we had already paid $1500 for me to be experiencing this joyous occasion without pain...WHY AM I IN PAIN THEN!? GET ME THAT EPIDURAL. (FYI it costs about 12k to have a baby these days)
I was fourth on the list. FOURTH! Contractions were happening every minute...and I had to wait another hour to get it...do the math...that's 60 awful contractions....what does a contraction feel like?? There truly aren't any words to illustrate it but if I HAD to...
ya know when you're about to get diarrhea? Your stomach does a flip thing and you are about to explode (don't lie, we've all been there...) well its kinda like that but worse. Or you know those cramps you get every month and say "These are the worst cramps I've ever had..I hate being a girl"...yea kinda like that + plus the diarrhea feeling + worse. Or have you ever been back kicked in the stomach and vagina at the same time by a horse?? Me neither, but I imagine it feels better than what a contraction feels like. Got the idea?? WORST FEELING EVER. Joseph was trying to massage my feet, help me breathe, distract me with the tv...I almost punched him in the face. I was that person yelling "GO GET A VASECTOMY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!"<--Movie moment eh?
Another memorable quote: "I LITERALLY FEEL HIM COMING OUT..I CAN FEEL HIM..HE IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I guess I was complaining a lot? They bumped me up the epidural list. :)
I'm such an angel huh? haha!
The dr. came in after that wonderful hour and started the process. Just knowing that I was getting it made my contractions feel better. I was having one while he was doing it and I barely tensed up just knowing that in a few minutes, I was going to be feeling much better. And I did. Almost instantly. It took about ten minutes for my legs to tingly and I finally laid back and relaxed. Ready to wait the 5 or so more hours it was going to take. (the nurse explained that we usually progress 1cm per hour)
Around 10:50 I called my mom to ask her how the hell she EVER had us naturally?? She had two babies with no epidural..craziness. I told her that I was feeling good and ready to wait and he should be here this afternoon.
While flipping through the channels, the nurse comes in to check my centimeters.
"Well, it's a good thing you got that epidural, let's go ahead and get you ready to push, you're almost at 10cm"
Excuse me?? What?? I just started relaxing! I don't want to push! Where is Joseph anyway!?? He didn't really go get a vasectomy did he!?
My dr walks in and asks how I'm doing and we get in position.
I was literally laughing while pushing asking "Am I even pushing?!? I can't feel anything!"<--Now that's what I was looking for!!!
She said I was doing great and that his head was out..ummmm ok.
I pushed 3 times total. I watched my huge, bumped belly **gross alert** slide down my abdomen and then he was out. --so crazy!
"He looks just like Beau!"
And he did...it was so weird!
Tripp Jameson was finally here. After 3 hours of excruciating labor and about 10 minutes of pushing, my baby was here.
Tripp Jameson
7lbs 13 oz 19"
11:02 am
While those awful contractions were BEYOND worth it...I don't know if I want to do it again... Just glad he's here!
With Beau, I was induced and after experiencing maybe one minor contraction, I was given my epidural and slept and rested till he arrived 12 hours later. It was a breeze..except for the no eating thing and the 2 hour pushing thing. --About thirty minutes after he was born I said "I could do that again!"
Things with Tripp moved a bit faster and a bit more painfully!
Because I am a planner, I decided I wanted to induce with Tripp as well. That way Beau would be taken care of with my in-laws, the house would be cleaned and everything would be prepared. And as silly as it sounds, I would also have my hair washed and ready. (My hair is so crazy that washing it in the hospital seemed impossible so I wanted fresh hair going in...haha I know..stupid.)--but seriously, what if I go into labor and I'm on second day hair and have to wash my hair at the hospital and deal with a frizz bomb?! WHIlE taking care of a newborn?! No thanks. I wanted everything, including my hair, to be under control haha call me superficial I don't care.
Let's also be real here, I really wanted to be induced so I wouldn't be in any pain :)
Anyways, apparently everyone decided to conceive babies in August because I couldn't get into the hospital as there was an overload of women in labor. It was practically impossible unless I went into real labor. So I decided I would put myself into real labor. I got pedicures (supposedly the pressure points in your feet can cause contractions--and they did but not enough to put me in real labor, just pain ugh!) Joseph and I had sex..every day..like twice a day. Lucky him! Nothin. I found myself literally jumping up and down saying "COME ON TRIPP..COME ON OUT!" Still, nothin! I had this awful fear that we wouldn't make it to the hospital in time for an epidural, since usually second babies come faster than first, so with every pain I was freaking out.
Let me just say NOTHING ACTUALLY WORKS. WHEN BABY IS READY TO COME, BABY WILL COME . If you happen to have sex the morning of your baby's birth, then MAYBE that helped a little but most likely, your baby was planning to come that day anyway. And I knew all of this, but was still trying to naturally induce. Being at 3cm for 2 weeks and after all that is just proof that he was going to come on his own time.
Almost a week went by past my induction date (which put me close to 40 weeks) and still wasn't able to get in and still no Tripp. I was sick of everyone making their predictions, sick of wondering if every pain was a contraction, and sick of waddling around while everyone said "Oh My! You are huge! That belly!"--It didn't make me feel fat, just got to a point where I was done hearing it. I really was huge though. Even now, only 4 weeks later looking at the picture makes me laugh.
(Not my beer)
So on Mother's Day I had a feeling he was going to come the next morning. Or maybe I was just being hopeful. Sure enough I woke up at 2am with awful pains. "that was definitely a contraction, but I'm too tired to care," I thought. I fell back asleep and woke up again about an hour with another awful pain. Went back to sleep. Surely you can't sleep through labor! My doctor made it very clear to me that I would KNOW when I was in labor... (but haven't we all heard stories of women who were in labor for like a day and didn't even know it?!)
Woke up at 6:30 with some of the worst pains I've ever felt....haha or so I thought at the time! Little did I know...
Water broke at 8ish---SO GROSS. I couldn't walk or do anything without it going everywhere. No pad would take care of that..NO DIAPER WOULD TAKE CARE OF THAT! I just had to deal with it. Grooossss
We got to the hospital and I was having contractions about every 3 minutes...the dramatic kind. I know I'm a dramatic person but these were truly the squeeze-Joseph's-hand-take-deep-breaths-in-the-middle-of-the-parking-lot-mid-walk kind. We finally get there and I'm in shock they aren't offering me a wheel chair and rushing me to delivery like in the movies. I had to wait...WHAT?! I'M LITERALLY HAVING A BABY AND WANTING TO KILL YOU AND YOU'RE MAKING ME WAIT?!!? Then a nurse even jokes about my water dripping everywhere..SHUT THE *FLIPPITY FLIP* UP!!!!!!
"Ok sweetie, let's get you in here and I'll check to make sure your water broke and if so, we'll get you admitted."
again, WHAT??? It's literally tracking my every step and you're gonna question??? UGH
Contractions, the dramatic ones, are only getting more dramatic and closer together. Joseph's in my face telling me to breathe and that everything's ok. I looked at him like he's wearing a clown outfit...GO AWAY, YOU DID THIS. <---Anyone ever feel like they're in a movie?! I always wanted to be an actress...this wasn't my idea of a movie-like experience.
Guess what!? The nurse said that I WAS in labor!! Surprise, surprise! And I was about 5cm.
So we get admitted and put into another room. I was being wheeled on the bed to the other room while having a contraction, I feel bad for anyone that was anywhere near that hallway..I was not saying nice words.
So I haven't shared this on here but we didn't have maternity insurance. Another lesson learned. Do not have a baby unless you have maternity insurance. Apparently no individual insurance plan in Texas covers maternity. Isn't that delightful!? A healthy, young woman who pays a monthly premium for medical safety isn't covered when she is creating a life!<--done with that rant. Anyways, we had already paid for the epidural in advance (if you pay it by 7 months prego, you get a discount! Yay!) So we had already paid $1500 for me to be experiencing this joyous occasion without pain...WHY AM I IN PAIN THEN!? GET ME THAT EPIDURAL. (FYI it costs about 12k to have a baby these days)
I was fourth on the list. FOURTH! Contractions were happening every minute...and I had to wait another hour to get it...do the math...that's 60 awful contractions....what does a contraction feel like?? There truly aren't any words to illustrate it but if I HAD to...
ya know when you're about to get diarrhea? Your stomach does a flip thing and you are about to explode (don't lie, we've all been there...) well its kinda like that but worse. Or you know those cramps you get every month and say "These are the worst cramps I've ever had..I hate being a girl"...yea kinda like that + plus the diarrhea feeling + worse. Or have you ever been back kicked in the stomach and vagina at the same time by a horse?? Me neither, but I imagine it feels better than what a contraction feels like. Got the idea?? WORST FEELING EVER. Joseph was trying to massage my feet, help me breathe, distract me with the tv...I almost punched him in the face. I was that person yelling "GO GET A VASECTOMY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!"<--Movie moment eh?
Another memorable quote: "I LITERALLY FEEL HIM COMING OUT..I CAN FEEL HIM..HE IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I guess I was complaining a lot? They bumped me up the epidural list. :)
I'm such an angel huh? haha!
The dr. came in after that wonderful hour and started the process. Just knowing that I was getting it made my contractions feel better. I was having one while he was doing it and I barely tensed up just knowing that in a few minutes, I was going to be feeling much better. And I did. Almost instantly. It took about ten minutes for my legs to tingly and I finally laid back and relaxed. Ready to wait the 5 or so more hours it was going to take. (the nurse explained that we usually progress 1cm per hour)
Around 10:50 I called my mom to ask her how the hell she EVER had us naturally?? She had two babies with no epidural..craziness. I told her that I was feeling good and ready to wait and he should be here this afternoon.
While flipping through the channels, the nurse comes in to check my centimeters.
"Well, it's a good thing you got that epidural, let's go ahead and get you ready to push, you're almost at 10cm"
Excuse me?? What?? I just started relaxing! I don't want to push! Where is Joseph anyway!?? He didn't really go get a vasectomy did he!?
My dr walks in and asks how I'm doing and we get in position.
I was literally laughing while pushing asking "Am I even pushing?!? I can't feel anything!"<--Now that's what I was looking for!!!
She said I was doing great and that his head was out..ummmm ok.
I pushed 3 times total. I watched my huge, bumped belly **gross alert** slide down my abdomen and then he was out. --so crazy!
"He looks just like Beau!"
And he did...it was so weird!
Tripp Jameson was finally here. After 3 hours of excruciating labor and about 10 minutes of pushing, my baby was here.
Tripp Jameson
7lbs 13 oz 19"
11:02 am
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